Brunelleschi and the Quantization of Space

The one major work of science on which I hope to complete my essential contributions is the establishment of an adequately intelligible representation of the negative curvature of physical space-time in the regions of singularities within a Riemann surface function of otherwise everywhere positive curvature.

On this account, I wish to emphasize our indebtedness to the relevant work of Filippo Brunelleschi. Although I must confess that I do this, in part, out of love for the memory of that great scientist, my principal motive is a broader and more immediately practical one. These remarks are devoted to a brief explanation of that broader purpose.

My strength in these matters originates in a project of philosophical studies begun at the age of 12, which won me forever to the standpoint of Leibniz’s MonadologyTheodicy, and certain other writings by the age of between 13 and 14. All that I have accomplished in relevant matters, is derived from my undertaking, shortly after that, a defense of Leibniz against the arguments of Kant’s Critiques. My refutation of the central dogmas of Kant, as summarized in his Critique of Judgment, became the notion of intelligibility of the creative mental processes from which is derived everything I deem particularly useful in my attempted contributions to human knowledge.

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