World War at Europe’s Door

It is one week since Russian President Vladimir Putin presented a comprehensive initiative for a new Eurasian security architecture, including a negotiated peace to stop the escalating war in Ukraine, for the world’s consideration. He did this on June 14 in an hour-long address to leaders of Russia’s Foreign Ministry, and he was explicit that his proposal was designed to ensure the security of all nations, including those of Europe and NATO.Other than the near-instant, curt rejection of the offer by U.S. President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, there has been a deafening silence about the Putin proposal from government and other policy-making circles in the West—despite the fact that the U.S. and Russia are now on a trajectory pointing towards nuclear confrontation in the near term. Asked by journalists, Kremlin adviser Yury Ushakov confirmed that the West has not reached out to Moscow directly to discuss the Putin proposal.Undeterred, Putin reiterated the gist of his pro...

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one where truth and freedom reign supreme.

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or will you take the red pill
and awaken to the reality that lies beyond?